Sunday, July 29, 2007

Workin' For The Weekend...

Hello my homies.
This weekend was fun time at the barn, and then going to PetsMart and dinner with Mum! I love Petsmart. I got new toys, a new collar and treats. AND I got to play with a Big Dawg called a St. Bernsomething. She LOVED me. (Of course.)

Today and Yesterday at the barn when I get hot, I go and jump in the ditch which is full of interesting tasting water. Mum yells at me when I do this, but I get so hot, mum! I don't mean to get dirty and slimy, but it just HAPPENS.

So tonight I got to swim in the bathtub with mum. I love chasing her toes under the bubbles. But I am WORE out. Mum said I could surf the interweb, but all I wanted to do was say HEY to my Fan Club outthere in the ethernet and tell you I hope you had a great weekend. Its back to living in the crate this week while mum works.

OH. And she's thinking about taking me on vacation with her in two weeks - apparently the house sitter may not be able to stay. She says it would mean 5 hours on an air plane. I am not too sure about that - I've done 2 hours flights before, but 5 is a whole different game, but I know I would miss my mum for the 10 days she is gone and I KNOW she would miss me. We'll have to see.

Mum's 'puter took some pictures of me right before I finished this post. You can see I'm one tired dawg.
Have a good monday, my homies! Just don't forget the treats and belly scritches!

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