Friday, June 29, 2007

I am sick

And I'm pretty sure I know who dunnit.

See, here we are, enjoying a nice frolick in the back yard. Me on a leash of course. Those darn cats, free as always. grumble. But notice - mum mowed the yard! Yea Mum!

anyway, from across the ditch, notice the Psycho kitty putting the evil eye on the cuteness that is the B-dawg. Pretending that just because her eyes are green, we can't see her. hurumph. Maybe if I were a golden retriever or a lab or sumthin.

Malley sez, "I told you to stay away from her, she doesn't like you. Stupid rat dog, do you want to get killed????"

Malley is always trying to look out for me. We sleep together with Mum some times. But Psycho LIKES him. Its Just. Not. Fair! She MAKES me bark when she hisses and swats at me. I can't help it.

Stoopid Cats.

See? She won't even let me back to the door without threatening me. And then I started throwing up the next night. I'm sure its related. If I could prove it, maybe Nana and Grandpa would come get her and I could rule the house again.

Don't worry, B-dawg fans... I'll live. I hope. Mum took good care of me last night and I hadn't thrown up before she left this morning.


Sandy said...

Oh, B-dawg...that mean old cat can't help herself. She sure is pretty, though... but not as pretty as you. I hope your tummy feels better.

Mile High Pixie said...

Oh! Scandalous that them kitties would put the hoo-doo on my B-Dawg! Awful!