Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dear Em-me

Please don't despair. I haven't forgotten about you or Prez Laura and the fabulous weekend we had together. It was magic, it was wonderful, it was as good as the fried eggs and bacon that we shared.

Mum has been SUPER crazy and hasn't uploaded our photos. We have been spending the last two nights FOREVER at the barn while she shaved Jericho (poor sucker.) And when we get home, she's all about the shower and the bed.

I've been NAGGING her to upload the photos of the hotness that is you and me, but she's not been listening. Mums - you know how they are. I know you do, because I saw it all this weekend.

I promise to bite mum soon if she doesn't put our pictures up.
hugs, kisses, and bacon

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