Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Sad B-Dawg

Prez Laura and Couzin Em have left the B-dawg alone with Mum.

Mum is OK, I guess. I mean, she's no Prez Laura, and Couzin Em has these AWESOME fingernails, just perfect for scritching the B-dawg belly.


Don't get me wrong, I love Mum. But Prez Laura makes bacon. Its hard to top the bacon.

Oh well. I miss them. I'm sad and depressed. I've been sleeping all day. Mum isn't near as fun or treat friendly. Prez Laura also shared Brie and some other cheeze. AND CHEESECAKE!!!! I've been dreaming about it while I sleep. Cheesecake while you sleep is so much better than kibble when I'm awake.

I'm sure I can love Mum again.... perhaps if she starts making bacon???


Mile High Pixie said...

Oh, B-Dawg, I completely understand. It's so hard being with someone who's all "get off of that-spit that out-no you can't have any." Mum doesn't get what being a B-Dawg is about. So wrong, my dear puppeh!

Sandy said...

Baxter....that's what aunties are spoil you!