Monday, May 21, 2007

B-Dawgs aren't for everyone

Lots of people aren't up for the challenge and adventure that is the B-dawg. Its OK. I totally understand. I'm a high energy, high volume ride of love and adorable-ness. We B-dawgs, we're work, ya know. We're not for the faint of heart.

So these chums have made something for those of you who aren't ready for the prime time B-dawg-ness. A sort of training wheel for you.

Meet the Perfect Petzzzz.... are "cute sleeping puppies and kittens that offer unconditional love and are maintenance-free. They look so lifelike - you can even see them breathe!"

So, you can practice before you committ to B-dawg ownership. They even have kittehs, though why, I don't know, because everyone knows that all cats do anyway is sleep all day. Get a real one.

Mum inserts: They don't shed, Baxter (NEITHER DO I!!!!) and no litter box - a big improvement if you ask me. Can you believe this? People actually pay for this stuff. They actually have a picture of some lady petting on of these while she's in her cubicle at work! "There's a sucker born...."


Sandy said...

Yeah, I was going tot say it needs to shed and wake up in the middle of the night and want you to get up for some reason! It's cute...maybe a little creepy, too.

Miss Kitty said...

I'd much rather have BaxterDawg. :-P