Thursday, September 28, 2006

Guest blogger - Tinkerbell

So here I am, posting for that curly haired rodent-looking thing that the Woman brought home about a year ago HE gets to guest post at the Woman's blog. I mean, really. It was bad enough when that damn black cat showed up. Woman's parents finally took her home this summer. Not to mention that she was never home to scratch us, because worked like a freakin' dog (ha! - a working dog, not like the Baxter runt). And then she got a horse, and was too tired to do much of anything.

But then she brought him home. We are most displeased, my brother and I. He makes unruly noises at all hours of my nap times. He hogs the bed so that I can't sneak up and get sleepy scratches from the Woman. And, insults above all injury, HE EATS MY FOOD.

What's next, a gieco? How about a canary? I could really enjoy a canary. All I'm saying is, Malley Cat and I should have at least gotten a vote.

Thats all. I have to go take a nap now,

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