Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Still barkin'

Hey my homies - I am still alive and kickin'.

Mum even took me to a PROFESSIONAL groomer. I got a ROCKIN' hair cuts and LOTS of treats.

See how much I like it?

Other than that, not much happenin' - Mum left me at Aunt Ima's while she went partying in DC. (grumble). But she's back now and I am very glad. I thought she'd never come back. I was sad. I was good, but I was sad.

She says that this year for halloween I am going to be something called a Toto. I hope its not too itchy a costume.


Mile High Pixie said...

Oh puppeh! You will wuv the Toto! You will match Mum even!

Sandy said...

My goodness...you are so very cute I just want to squeeze you! I bet your auntie loves to babysit you!