Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Little sisters... gah

This is me and Barley at Christmas. Barley and I are from the same litter, and you can see who got all the good looks.

Barley barks at EVERYTHING, even things that aren't there. Mum says that she sees dead people. I'm all "whatev, shut UP, sis. " Gahd. Annoy-ING.

Anyway, I hope you all had a fab-u-lous Christmas. I got to celebrate New Years at a party Just For Me! At least until they started with the fireworks - then mum and I were all "see ya."

Here's hoping your 2008 is rockin!

1 comment:

Mile High Pixie said...

Oh Bax! I love the butt-block move you kept doing to Barley. Seriously, who does she think she's kidding? You pinned her three or four times. As if!