Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Bigger than a bread box?

In a word, "No."

But a toaster? Maybe. Especially if its not a bagel toaster.

You can see, I was not amused my Mum's latest story. Apparently some of you (ahem AUNT PIXIE ahem) had thought I was like HUGE or something, like 15 lbs! Can you believe that?

Let me tell you, B-dawgs are like diamonds - small, beautiful, and highly desired.

So I told mom to take some "frame of reference photos" after my bath tonight.

Here's one:

See? This is not a big laptop mum has - its only a 12 inch power book.

Now, wait. that's not a good angle. I finally had to tell Mum "GET DOWN HERE ON THE FLOOR WITH ME, WOMAN! AND GET ME A TREAT WHILE YOU'RE AT IT" (I am still not pleased with her current abandonment of the b-dawg this weekend. harumph.

Enough with the mundane, Mum. LEts do something different... get that wine bottle down so I can show 'em.

oh. sorry.

1 comment:

Mile High Pixie said...

Oh! Oh my dear puppeh! You are SO WEE!!!! Wee-est puppeh ever!!! I want to snorgle your wee ears and noze and abscond with you in my purse and get on a plane bound for Denver and let you chase my 9lb and 11.5 lb cats around until they hide under the bed! Oh! Nom nom nom nom nooommmmm!!