Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The evilest of felines nears...

Mum has informed me that we will be "hosting" Psycho Kitty tomorrow. She is Nana and Grandpa's cat. She is so snarky that everyone but the verternary calls her Psycho. The vet person calls her Pandora. But he knows she's crazy too.

I met her last summer. She was not easily swayed by the cuteness that is the B-dawg. She will be here ALL summer. bummer.

She is bossy, and demands lap time, and must sleep with Mum. She does not like me, and unlike the other felines that I have trained, she does not run away when I assert my B-dawgness.

Even Malley Cat is not looking forward to the "transition period."

Malley sez, "I, being the fabulous Thomas O'Malley, am not intimidated by the Black Feline known as Psycho. She, like all others, have and will again, worship me. But its going to be unpleasant for Tinkerbell. Poor thing."

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